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It’s all about prevention.
Core Care Wellness is the innovative system that makes performing Annual Wellness Visits (AWV) easy, efficient, and effective. The system is a turnkey solution addressing the three components of the AWV – the health risk assessment, the doctor consultation, and the patient’s Personalized Prevention Plan. The system can be seamlessly integrated into any workflow scenario, adjusting to fit the specific needs of your practice.
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[/cws-widget][cws-widget type=text title=”The Annual Wellness Visit”]
As part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) the goals of the AWV are to:
- Establishment of a written screening schedule for next 5-10 years
- Identify a list of risk factors
- Offer advice for overall wellness and health in coming year
- Provide referrals to health education and preventative counseling
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Designed specifically for the Medicare patient, the tablet and app are intuitive and easy-to-use. Helpful prompts, easy navigation, clear progress bars, and engaging interactions are some of the many features that help patients complete the health risk assessment quickly and accurately. Perform the AWV during your patient’s regularly scheduled office visit – no separate AWV visit needed.
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From the marketing materials to the physician and patient reports – the goal is patient wellness and prevention. Custom physician reports highlight potential risk factors, as well as potential changes in both physical and cognitive function. Personal Prevention Plans are generated for each and every patient. Save time performing the AWV so you can spend time discussing the results.
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The Core Care Wellness app transmits on a dedicated secure internet connection via a Verizon Jetpack and is HIPAA compliant. Nothing is required from your practice; no worries about security and compliance issues. Plus, it’s easy to install and configure. Sign up and start performing AWVs the same day.
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Beginning January 1, 2011, the Affordable Care Act made available an Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) providing Personalized Prevention Plan Services (PPPS). The AWV includes a Health Risk Assessment (HRA). These are useful tools in targeting areas providers would never address.
[/item][item type=accs title=”Who is eligible for an AWV?”]
All people with Medicare are covered. Medicare beneficiaries who have been on Medicare Part B coverage for more than 12 months are eligible for the AWV. Beneficiaries who are within the first 12 months of the effective date of coverage are eligible for the IPPE or “Welcome to Medicare” exam.
[/item][item type=accs title=”Why should our practice offer the AWV?”]
In addition to providing better patient care and generating a significant recurring income, the AWV will dramatically increase utilization of other Medicare Preventative Services by getting Medicare patients into the office.
[/item][item type=accs title=”What is Core Care Wellness?”]
Our turnkey solution offers the necessary tools to complete an AWV from beginning to end. It typically takes one afternoon for implementation and training, and the following morning to model procedure with patients. We utilize your secured Wi-Fi or provide your practice with a wireless router if needed, while a hand-held device enables our system to ensure delivery of your patient’s AWV. Core Care Wellness comes complete with a Health Risk Assessment, Provider Consultation, and Personal Prevention Plan.
[/item][item type=accs title=”Is Core Care Wellness HIPAA compliant?”]
Yes, the Core Care Wellness app transmits on a dedicated secure internet connection and is HIPAA compliant, so you don’t have to worry about security and compliance issues.
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[milestone fa=’users’ number=’48000000′ ]People served by Medicare annually[/milestone]
[milestone fa=’user’ number=’10000′ ]Baby boomers turn 65
daily for the next 19 years[/milestone]
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[portfolio cols=’2′ cats=’awv-article’ title=’Take Advantage of AWV’ /]
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[cws_cta icon=’user-md’ title=’Medicare Annual Wellness Visits ‘ button_text=’MAKE AN APPOINTMENT’ link=’http://www.nwphysicianconsultants.com/?page_id=728′]Find out for yourself what our Core Care Program can do for your practice & your bottom line.[/cws_cta]